Live Performance Screen 1 

When you are working out with CardioGuru there are a number of screens and feeds that can help you manage your workout ensuring that you reach your session targets each and every time but also enable you to see how your body is responding under different varaibles.

Lets take a look at the live performance screen 1 that provides you with a number of live key performance data feeds and performance markers. This blog will talk you through some of the live feeds and markers and give you insight into how you can use them to push and guide you to the perfect workout performance. Learn about these features, use them to push you, combined with CardioGuru audio coach instruction you will be training #CardioSmart

Target bpm

Target BPM represents the amount of beats per minute you need to reach to be working inside the correct and required heart rate training zone. Targeted heart rate zones provides you with a real-time, live and continuous feedback on physiological response to different types of stimuli coming through fed/fasted, equipment, temperatures and intensities. It's important to monitor exercise intensity for a number of reasons. The specific physiological adaptations to training change depend on what relative workload is employed. Specific targeted heart rate training zones ensure you are accurately placed in the best training zone so that your body elects the optimal energy source for the workout syncing with your fitness ambitions whether it be targeting your bodies ability to use fat as fuel with FatMax or increasing fitness by hitting your V02Max upper tier zones.

Target and live Kcal

Each session you will have a calorie session target. This is a Net calorie target and displays amount of energy expended during the workout. This is a key performance marker in gauging true energy expenditure during each training session. Once you achieve your session target the symbol will turn yellow, this symbols that today… You WON!


Energy represents the energy source, which you are currently using to fuel the workout. Exercise intensity will determine how your body uses energy and which fuel source it elects to fuel the workout ,whether you are burning fat or carbohydrates. Glycogen oxidation increases consistently with exercise intensity, whereas the rate of fat oxidation initially increases, but decreases again at higher exercise intensities. Before you enter a workout. Stop, think what you want to achieve and then read the workout descriptions to see if the workout will match the energy you want to elect. If you are confused choose the ‘Guru Assistance’ feature.


BPM simply the number of time your heart beats per minute. Your heart rate is a stat, which provides you will endless information; if you know this number you can determine everything to do with your training and your fitness goals. The key part of knowing and monitoring your heart rate is to know that you are training in the correct targeted heart rate zones to match your goals.

Your Training Circle

In the center of live performance screen 1 you will see a circle displaying the next training interval the next interval target zone, its BPM and the time remaining until the end of the workout.

But did you know this active and dynamic?

By swiping the circle sideways to the right you will see an array of live key performance feeds and markers that will assist you in managing training intensity and also pushing you towards your targets.

Kcal's % Achieved 

A data feed that represents the % of Kcals torched against your overall session target. Stay inside your target zones, follow the guidance of your CardioGuru audio coach and you will see 100% in your circle! When you achieve 100% target kcals, that signals the activation of #CardioSmart progressive challenge logic which is ensure your body is placed under greater challenge for when you next return to the workout.

Pace Maker

Get pushed to success. This is the role of this dynamic function, the pacemaker. A feature that guides and gives you the ability to achieve your session kcal target. The pace maker is a dynamic, responsive function which formulates from your current session performance workout, the heart rate required to achieve remaining kcals to match your session kcal target. The pace maker makes adjustments to different workout protocols ensuring you can achieve your target but also ensuring you don’t exit the energy source which the protocol requires as fuel. If you are falling behind the pacemaker will let you know the pace and intensity required to make it up against the clock and smash your kcal target.

Time Countdown

Get the live remaining time countdown for all aspects of the session; here you can see…How many rounds you have completed against how much the session requires. The timed countdown for each rest and push interval. The time completed against the total session duration.  

Current bpm

Every second the app monitors the rate at which your heart is beating per minute and this is key to monitoring your session performance and staying in your target heart rate zones. Without knowing this information it’s not possible to accurately drive your fitness or fat loss targets, as different heart rate zones provide different intensities and result into different stimuli.

% of Max HR 

MHR is the highest number of beats per minute your heart can reach during maximum physical exertion. It is very important performance marker when it comes to establishing your unique targeted heart rate zones, as your maximum heart rate is a big part of the Karvonen method.  % of Max HR is a live figure displaying the rate at which your heart is working in correlation to your maximum heart rate. % of Max HR is a key performance marker as it displays training intensity and also determines which heart rate training intensity zones you are working inside.

% OF VO2 Max

As exercise intensity increases, so does VO2. If intensity continues to increase it will ultimately reach a point of maximal exertion. Your VO2 at this stage of maximal exertion is called your maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). It is the maximum volume of oxygen that your body is capable of consuming and converting to energy for your working muscles. This is a key and ultimate physiological measure of cardiovascular fitness and can help to explain differences in sporting performance between individuals. VO2 measurements are displayed n mL•kg-1•min-1 (i.e. millilitres per kilogram per minute, representing the volume of oxygen consumed each minute per kilogram of your body mass). % of V02Max is how hard you are working against your maximum aerobic capacity. Much research has shown that to gain the greatest aerobic benefit from HIIT, athletes should train at an intensity between 90 and 100% VO2max thus it is key to spend as much time as possible inside the targeted heart rate zone for each interval. Getting fit is key to burning more fat! A person with strong fitness levels could perform FatMax at 60-63% of VO2max whereas as less fitter persons may perform best at 50% of Vo2Max. For this reason It is important to remember the fitter you become the more output can be produced in a heart rate zone and you have more ability to use fat as energy.